It’ race day which means not only are fans pouring into the track, but the Media Center is also full. This is the third main event of the year at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park in Bowmanville, Ontario. In June I was here for the Vintage Weekend and the place was rather empty. There was hardly anyone in the Media Center. For this event, since it’s the IMSA event, the Media Center and the stands are packed.
This begs the question; What makes this event different from other events?
When the Show Rolls In
The main difference is what I call the color, glitz and glamor effect. One of the first things you notice when walking through the pit area are all the brilliant and vibrant colors. Unlike the NASCAR series where sponsors are listed all over the cars, the IMSA Series cars are very colorful and eye grabbing.
Now I’m not saying I don’t like the colorful cars. I really do. I told the friend that’s with me one of the things I like about this series are all the colors. But, what if we were to take the color away? Would it still be as appealing?
When the Lights Go Down
I am the first to admit I love and appreciate black and white photography. It seems to show more detail than you get with color because suddenly all the glitz and glamor is stripped away. While the same car is a brilliant green, there’ just something about the black and white shot too.
Today is Sunday and I find myself at the race track. Many will gather for church and many will look for the glitz and glamor of colors and lights. Again, don’t get me wrong, I do appreciate a good “show”, but I often wonder if the Presence of the Lord has been pushed out of our worship services because we’re more hooked on the show than His Presence.
I really sense the Lord is asking the same question. We are called to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. I fear many in the church, and leaders, have fallen into the “glamor and glitz” trap looking more like the world, than simply being ‘in’ the world.
Just a guy on a journey: